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Python on Windows, the State of the Art Офлайн 2021

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Historically, Python coding on Windows has been kind of troublesome, but not anymore. It is now possible write awesome quality Python code, in Windows, enjoying a very pleasant development experience. This is good news for Python developers of all levels. Also, Windows now includes the Windows Subsystem for Linux, something that brings the promise to seamlessly bridge the gap between the two operating systems and opens up some interesting scenarios. In this talk I will demo how you can use tools such as VSCode, Visual Studio, and the WSL on Windows, to brew python code like a boss.

Nicola Iarocci
CIR 2000, Italy

Nicola is a passionate Python and C# developer based in Ravenna, Italy. He is the co-founder of CIR2K where leads the development of Amica 10, an accounting software solution for small business. He is the creator and maintainer of a few open source projects like the Eve REST API Framework. Nicola is a Microsoft MVP and MongoDB Master. He runs DevRomagna, a local developer community, and CoderDojo Ravenna, a coding club for kids.