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Building Python GUI App The Modern Way Офлайн 2021

Доклад отклонён

This talk will be focusing on PyWebView, a library to build cross-platform (Linux, MacOS, Windows) GUI for Python application using modern web technologies (HTML, CSS, JS).

I will be talking about why and when we should use PyWebView, in contrast with conventional GUI frameworks and Electron. I will also be describing the application architecture of apps built with PyWebView, how it works underlyingly, and the strengths and limitations of PyWebView.

I will also briefly introduce the open-source application I built with PyWebView and share my experience over the course of development.

Koh Chee Xiang, Melvin

Melvin is a passionate software engineer, Pythonista, and trainer based in Tokyo. He started contributing to the open-source space since 2019. In his free time, he writes about technologies regularly on Hackernoon and other tech publications on Medium. In fact, he is multilingual outside of tech and is fluent in 4 languages.
