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Avneet Kaur

Indian Institute Of Technology Delhi

She is currently researching in the field of NLP and information retrieval as a project assistant at IIT Delhi. She is a recent graduate, and had been conferred with a degree of Bachelors in technology in Computer Science, in August 2018.
She can program in multiple languages, Python, C/C++, R, Matlab, Chapel, GoLang, Java , Python being my first love since freshman days!. She is interested in the fields of NLP, ML, AI, having studied them during my senior year, and wishes to work on enhancing healthcare with AI. More specifically she wants to work towards making technology come to the the aid of unfortunately or differently abled people, so that they can lead healthy lives. She is inspired by the advancing developments in making computers imitate and understand human language, vision and intelligence and so much more, which she feels can be used to solve challenges that the differently abled people face.
She is an avid reader, an eloquent writer, and loves to share my experiences with others as well as learn from others. She does love to talk a lot too. A cup of hot chocolate, her laptop and a problem to code on, is what her daily routine sounds like.