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End-to-end sensor deployment with Python Офлайн 2021

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Hardware projects have always been notoriously difficult to develop and deploy to production compared to their software-only counterparts. However, recent developments in the Python ecosystem for hardware have made the jump from idea to production significantly easier. In this talk, we show how we deployed a sensor network to measure sound, temperature, co2 and also provide the ability for occupants to set their 'working mode' in an office environment. We explore the Python libraries used for each component and also dive into what worked well and what we would do differently. We finish, with the impact on well-being that was enabled by data that was enabled by the sensor project.

Ishaan Varshney

Having worked in predictive markets, financial systems, renewable energy, construction and mobility industries Ishaan is interested in solving problems some people have described as being ‘strange’ and ‘cute’. Ishaan has a bachelors in economics and computer science and a masters in artificial intelligence from the University of New South Wales. Ishaan is interested in finding solutions that lie at the intersection of software, machine learning and stuff-that-is-useful. The last one is sometimes deemed to be optional.