AMA: Future of Python Доклады
Нас всех волнует будущее Python.
Кого-то оно пугает, кого-то радует. Но никто не равнодушен.
Мы решили провести сессию вопросов с двумя людьми, от которых непосредственно зависит то самое будущее Python. Будет два участника: Core-developer и Director at Python Software Foundation.
Любой желающий сможет задать любой вопрос:
- Про новые интересные PEP'ы.
- Про планы на 4.0.
- Про сообщество.
- Про новую модель управления.
- Как стать core-dev / членом psf?
Узнаем все тайны!
Dustin is a Developer Advocate at Google, focused on supporting the Python community on Google Cloud. He's also a director of the Python Software Foundation, maintainer of the Python Package Index (PyPI), and an organizer for the PyTexas conference.
As a key member of CPython's and Project Jupyter's Steering Councils, Carol brings a depth of practical experience in OSS governance and sustainability. As a core developer of JupyterHub, Binder, and CPython, she brings real-world knowledge of what makes OSS projects successful. She earned the ACM Software System Award in 2017 for Project Jupyter. In 2019 she received the Frank Willison Award for Contributions to the Python Community. Carol holds a BSE in Electrical Engineering from Duke University and an MS in Management from MIT.